Gray Concrete Buildings

Alpinpark LLC

Special Purpose and Project Development Services

We turn insights into reality.

Expertise you can count on

Alpinpark has over 75 years of experience providing optimal solutions for its clients.

Our Specialties

Global Solutions

Leverage our proven track record in relationship management and infrastructure development services for diverse sectors, most recently focusing on environmental services, including carbon credit infrastructure projects and geothermal power. Other specialties include telecommunication infrastructure services, fabrication plant development, and natural

resource marketing.

Exclusive Representation

Alpinpark has been the exclusive representative for significant global infrastructure projects ​exceeding $7.5 billion USD, fostering sustainable growth, innovation, and energy infrastructure. ​We are presently the preferred development partner for Hyphen Global.

Dynamic Offices

With offices in Singapore, Jakarta, Seoul, Milano, Boulder, and Los Angeles, our international presence ensures strategic global connectivity. Our strengths are in the APEC region as well as Sub-Saharan Africa.

Businessmen In A Meeting At Desk With Laptop

Our Partners

– (typically at Chairman / CEO level)

Meet the Team

Mr. Yong Hwa NAM, Chairman and Founder

Mr. Nam directed the coordination, sourcing, and development of the companies listed herein. ​He has strong working relationships at the chairman / family‐ownership level with most of the ​largest Korean companies. In addition, Mr. Nam is close to the founders of one of the largest ​commodity trading companies in the world.

Mr. Richard E. JORTBERG, Director of International Development

Mr. Jortberg has completed the acquisition, financing, valuation and development of numerous ​commercial real estate projects, including rezoning, project management, and disposition of a ​5,000-unit housing project. Mr. Jortberg was also responsible for team development, drafting ​and obtaining a $150 million production-sharing contract for an oil/gas concession in the Sub-​Saharan Africa country. Mr. Jortberg completed graduate studies (MS) in real estate finance in ​the US.

Phillip V. WESTBROOKS, Director of Government ​Relations

Mr . Phillip Westbrooks successfully executed programs and special projects within a fiscally ​conservative environment, implementing cost control procedures and internal auditing to ​generate revenue — achieving cost reduction and customer satisfaction improvement. ​Furthermore, he secured financing for the development of businesses, resulting in multi-million-​dollar profits within two years through Spectrum Solutions.

Dr. Lioborio SATARIANO, Director of Technology

Dr. Satariano is a former vice president of Eurotecnica Contractors and Engineers S.P.A. and an ​international director with ENI S.P.A. He has a very strong understanding of global oil and gas ​opportunities, including a specialty in melamine production. His PhD is in chemical engineering.

David “Colt” Simmons, Business Development Officer

David “Colt” Simmons serves in the national and international advanced technology business ​development arenas. He has held senior business, governmental and elective leadership ​positions at Rocky Mountain Innovation Partners (RMIP), US Space Command, and as Teller ​County, Colorado Assessor. Mr. Simmons retired as a Lt. Colonel from US Space Command ​where he specialized in US Space operations. At Alpinpark and Hyphen Global AG, Mr. Simmons ​serves as a business development officer working towards acceptance of clean energy ​programs and digital Measurement Reporting Verification (dMRV) protocols in the Carbon Credit ​trading marketplace.

Work with Us

If you would like to know more about Alpinpark’s services, particularly regarding our partnership with Hyphen Global ​and our carbon offset services, please send us an email. Please note that our group is often traveling, and we will ​reply when we are able.


Get in Touch


South Korea Flag Illustration


Geongnam-Si City, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea.

Flag of Singapore. Singaporean Flag on Fabric Surface. Fabric Texture



Flag of Italy


Milano, Italy.

USA Flag
Indonesia Flag


Los Angeles, CA.


Jakarta, Indonesia.